Thursday, July 25, 2013

Twitter Rant

When an author creates a Twitter account it should be more than just an outlet to pop out post after post with links to your books in them.

Sure, that's fine every once in a while, but if that's all you're doing, you're doing a horrible disservice to your fans, and your future fans.  Social Media is all about connecting to your readers on a level that they used to only be able to get at book signings and conventions.  Social Media should be used for this, not as a spam-bot advertising campaign to attempt to eke out one more sale.
As a reader as well as a writer, I enjoy talking to people who like my work, or even those that hate it as long as they have some constructive criticism to add.  I want to connect to them on a level, even if its sharing the odd bit of news, some politics, or having someone tell me whether or not my work needs improvement.

I've only been on Twitter for a couple of weeks, and already I have been bombarded with the spam from other authors whom I've added.  Literally several hundred messages a day with nothing but links to their books that I've already seen half a hundred times.  One author spams out her book every two hours like clockwork, several dozen tweets of "Buy this book!".  I'm sorry, but that is NOT what twitter is for. 

If someone has added you on twitter its because they're curious about YOU, not your work.  They've either read your work, or liked what they saw and wanted to know more about YOU.  It makes me not want to use Twitter just from the sheer pain of wading through all of the crap, so therefore I'm deleting the worst offenders and finding writers who actually care about their readers.

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